About Ron Navarreta
Ron Navarreta is an accomplished security operations specialist in the critical infrastructure space and an ASIS International (American Society for Industrial Security) board-certified security expert (CPP®) with over 25 years of combined law enforcement and private sector safety and security experience. Ron earned a Bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice and a Master’s in Security Management from the University of Denver and is a licensed Qualified Manager with the State of California’s Bureau of Security and Investigative Services responsible for maintaining state-compliant security programs and guard force standards. Beyond credentials and academic achievements, technical expertise, emotional intelligence, and an iterative administrative approach support Ron’s effort to help organizations understand and apply the tools and techniques for maintaining mental and physical safety, particularly during these volatile times.
As a certified workplace violence prevention specialist, Ron Navarreta leverages behavioral threat assessment and management strategies, critical incident response and recovery best practices, and effective aggression de-escalation techniques to mitigate unsafe environments, thereby improving workplace productivity and teammate retention. Ron’s emotional IQ-based security model is customer service-centric, supporting safety and security postures and yielding a decreased vulnerability to unnecessary risk and liability through non-mirroring behavior. Ultimately, environments are safer, productivity is increased, and customer and client populations receive top-shelf treatment.
Ron optimizes the physical environment to support an organization’s security posture by applying CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design) principles. CPTED is a multi-disciplinary approach that utilizes environmental landscapes within built environments to reduce crime. CPTED principles are used and codified by many local, State, and federal entities to create safe spaces. CPTED applications are shown to reduce victimization and strengthen a sense of community that empowers people to stand up to crime. Ron Navarreta is a certified CPTED practitioner and member of the US CPTED Association.
Ron’s data-driven and iterative security management approach responds to dynamic risk conditions and is based on key performance indicators, enterprise-wide rounding, and established security industry best practices that support the mission, vision, and culture of organizations. The synergistic benefits of technical expertise, emotional intelligence, and an iterative administrative approach allows for optimal resource allocation and risk mitigations.
Ron spends time with his family in his free time, usually at the BBQ or reading a good book. Even when not working, Ron likes to stay informed of the latest news and updates in the security world, believing that continuously educating oneself is the best way to stay alert and aware of the dynamic conditions inherent in the security industry.
Areas of Expertise
For more information on Ron Navarreta and CPTED, be sure to check out his blog!